Why do you use No. 2 pencils for tests? Why not a No. 3, 4, or 5? | Dictionary.com Blog One thing I wish this article would explain is the rule that mechanical pencils cannot be used. The machines used now must be better at doing their job, so why force every student to use an uncomfortable traditional pencil when they might be able to do th
眾所矚目的續集~yes or no 2(รักไม่รัก อย่ากั๊กเลย)內有雷@ 日色 ... 2012年12月30日 - 自從看了yes or no第一集就一直很期待續集的出現因為校園愛情故事的題材 ... 很期待的重點之一是"趣味性" 很堅持看電影不用太嚴肅人生都夠苦悶了.